
User requested a detailed description of the KLF5120GQWD6 cleaning and suction vehicle, including its model, approximate price, dimensions (length, width, height), total mass, curb weight, usage scena

程力专汽2024-03-20 12:25:350

User requested a detailed description of the KLF5120GQWD6 cleaning and suction vehicle, including its model, approximate price, dimensions (length, width, height), total mass, curb weight, usage scenarios, advantages, and structure. The vehicle is manufactured by Hubei Kaili Special Purpose Vehicle Co., Ltd. The fuel type is diesel, with an engine displacement of 2970 ml, engine power of 121 kW, 6 tires, dimensions of 7455 mm (length) x 2350 mm (width) x 3500 mm (height), total mass of 11990 Kg, curb weight of 8095 Kg, and a maximum speed of 89 km/h.### KLF5120GQWD6型清洗吸污车详细介绍
该车的尺寸为长7455毫米 x 宽2350毫米 x 高3500毫米,总质量为11990千克,整备质量8095千克。外观设计结构合理,外观美观大方。
1. 高效清洁: 强大的吸力和清洗功能,能够快速清理道路、广场等地面污物。
2. 多功能: 可以用于清洗道路、清理污水、吸尘等多种任务。
3. 环保节能: 柴油发动机经济耐用,符合环保要求,节能环保。

底盘结构: 坚固耐用的底盘设计,适应各种复杂道路环境。
清洗系统: 配备高效的清洗系统,能够快速清洁大面积区域。
吸污装置: 强大的吸污装置,能够有效吸收污物并存储。



User requested a detailed description of the KLF5120GQWD6 cleaning and suction vehicle, including its model, approximate price, dimensions (length, width, height), total mass, curb weight, usage scenarios, advantages, and structure. The vehicle is manufactured by Hubei Kaili Special Purpose Vehicle Co., Ltd. The fuel type is diesel, with an engine displacement of 2970 ml, engine power of 121 kW, 6 tires, dimensions of 7455 mm (length) x 2350 mm (width) x 3500 mm (height), total mass of 11990 Kg, curb weight of 8095 Kg, and a maximum speed of 89 km/h.### KLF5120GQWD6型清洗吸污车详细介绍
